About Mr Cope
My name is Mr Marcus Cope, since February 2017 I have worked full time in the private sector as a Consultant Orthopaedic surgeon. I see both private and NHS patients, on the Choose and Book system. I work in the North West of England in Ormskirk at Renacres Hall Hospital which is part of the Ramsay Healthcare group.
I graduated from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1996 and subsequently undertook basic surgical training in the North East region. I then undertook a period of full time research into “why hips replacements loosen” at Leeds University with an Internationally recognised research team under the supervision of Professors Fisher and Ingham. For this research I was awarded an MSc (Engineering) in 2001 from the University of Leeds. Following this I started my higher surgical training on the Northern rotation before relocating to the Merseyside area to complete my higher surgical training. This culminated in being awarded the FRCS (Tr&Orth) in 2005. I have also undertaken a Fellowship (a further year of training) abroad in South Australia, in complex lower limb replacement and major trauma. This was at Flinders Medical Centre and The Repatriation Hospital in Adelaide.
I worked as a full time Orthopaedic Consultant in the NHS from 2007 to 2017 at Southport and Ormskirk Hospital and during the period 2014 to 2017 I was the Clinical Director of Orthopaedics managing the department.
After learning about accelerated rehabilitation in joint replacement, I introduced this to Southport Hospital and was awarded a Pride Award for this in 2012. In 2013 my ability to train other surgeons was recognised by my peers when I was awarded the Mersey Trainer of the Year. I subsequently was nominated a further two times over the next few years. I am now an Attune trainer for the Depuy Company and train other consultants to use the knee replacement system I use. I am a high volume joint replacement surgeon and have one of the highest volume joint replacements practices of any surgeon in the North-West. In 2017-8 I performed in total 409 joint replacements (for comparison University Aintree Hospital performed 583, Royal Preston Hospital performed 484, Southport and Ormskirk Hospital performed 357).
National Joint Registry Surgeon profile
I constantly strive to improve my practice and value your feedback either on here or https://www.iwantgreatcare.org/doctors/mr-marcus-cope
Please visit my Youtube channel for further information.
Contact Us
Renacres Lane, Halsall,
Lancashire, L39 8SE